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The "vngen_char_anim_start" Function


vngen_char_anim_start(name, anim, duration, loop, reverse, [ease]);
namestringThe ID of the character to animate (or keyword all for all characters)
animscriptThe animation script to perform
durationrealSets the duration of the entire animation
loopbooleanEnables or disables looping the animation
reversebooleanEnables or disables performing the animation in reverse keyframe order
[ease]integer/macroOptional: Sets the ease override for the animation script


Performs a keyframe animation script on the input entity ID with the input duration. As animations are temporary and relative, animations and modifications can be performed simultaneously.

See Included Animations for a list of included animation scripts and how to create your own, and Macros & Keywords for a list of available ease modes.


vngen_event() {
vngen_char_anim_start("John Doe", anim_wobble, 0.5, false, false);