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The "vngen_prompt_create" Function


vngen_prompt_create(id, sprite_idle, sprite_active, sprite_auto, x, y, z, transition, duration, [ease]);
idreal/stringThe unique identifier to use for the new prompt
sprite_idlespriteThe sprite to draw as a prompt when waiting for user input
sprite_activespriteThe sprite to draw as a prompt when the typewriter effect is active (or keyword none for none)
sprite_autospriteThe sprite to draw when auto mode is enabled (or keyword none for none)
xreal/macroThe horizontal position to display the prompt, relative to the global offset (or keyword auto to position by text)
yreal/macroThe vertical position to display the prompt, relative to the global offset (or keyword auto to position by text)
zrealThe drawing depth of the prompt, relative to other prompts only
transitionscriptSets the transition animation to perform
durationrealSets the duration of the transition animation, in seconds
[ease]integer/macroOptional: Sets the ease override for the transition script


Creates a new prompt icon which will be displayed until vngen_prompt_destroy is run. Multiple prompts can exist simultaneously, however no two prompts may share the same ID. VNgen entity IDs are arbitrary and most can be either numbers or strings, but bear in mind that -1 is reserved as 'null' and cannot be used as an ID.

Unlike other entities, prompts feature an automatic position mode which will display prompts next to text--even while the typewriter effect is active.

See Included Animations and Macros & Keywords for a list of available transition animations and ease modes.


vngen_event() {
vngen_prompt_create("prompt", spr_prompt_idle, spr_prompt_active, spr_prompt_auto, auto, auto, 0, trans_fade, 1);